..and somehow it makes it all ok.
Bennett has been great from the beginning. But here lately, it is even better. His personality is in full swing! He laughs and squeals and yells and it is AWESOME! He keeps me rolling! I am not sure who makes the other laugh more.
He has learned to roll over. Actually, he learned that a while ago, but it took me weeks to see it for myself. Adam witnessed it first, and then the nursery worker at school. But me? Nope. He apparently wanted to keep me in suspense. Well, he kept that up for about 3 weeks. I would go in his room and find him on his belly, so I knew he was able, but just taking his time. Yesterday, he decided to grace me with his talent. It was awesome!
As if yesterday couldn't get any bigger, Bennett's first tooth also popped through the gum! Bottom, right! I almost cried. I would never have dreamed there would be a day where a tooth popping through an infant's gum would bring tears to my eyes.
Although he still wakes up through the night (he is learning how to sleep on his belly, since he rolls onto it every night) and gets a little gripey later on in the evening, he is so worth it. He has become his own little person and I am seriously loving watching every minute of it! He is AH-MAY-ZING!
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