It has been a crazy past two days. Amazing the craziness that can go on in such little time! I will not go into the whole story, but there were a couple of happenings that went on to make me consider going back to teaching for real. Not bad happenings. Just happenings. So, I decided to just nonchalantly look into it, which resulted in my applying for a job, which ended up in my grandfather mentioning that the principal at the school is a good friend of his, which lead to him telling me he would talk to her when he is down there tomorrow for a ceremony! In one day, I am back on track for teaching. Literally not even 24 hours.
Of course, this is not to say that the decision has been made. Merely that I am seriously considering it. My biggest "hurdle", or fear, was that my dad would be upset. It was hard to say something to him. I was excited to somewhat "fit in" to his world and admitting that things in my life made me no longer fit in was hard. I was scared he would talk to me like a boss and tell me that I was crazy for wanting to leave this world of new found freedom. I was afraid there would be disappointed mostly. But it was amazing. He recieved my concerns with openess and understanding. He encouraged me to search to find what I needed to do, whether is be teaching or something else. I could not have been more relieved! It was so great to have him support what I was thinking and feeling.
And so here I a crossroads. I am waiting to see how the application to the school pans out-it may be that I end up there or I may not. I am nervous for the outcome.