I was very nervous about what 5th graders would be like-I have never taught them. The highest I have ever taught is 2nd grade. In fact, I was so nervous about them, that I seriously debated even taking the job at first. If it wasn't for my husband's encouragement and sheer excitement, I might have wussed out. But he had so much faith in me and how much I would love the job that I decided to trust his judgement and go for it. And let me say...I LOVE IT! Fifth grade is not scary at all! In fact, I love it because I can talk to them, joke around, and feel like they can handle more stuff.
I was debating about changing the room around-ya know, rearranging, taking down some stuff, adding some stuff, etc. The teacher there before me was very encouraging about that. She told me she pretty much expected that I would change it. She understood that I needed to "make it my own" and do what is best for me. That was helpful. And also, I think the kids can handle it. They aren't Kindergartners that flip out if you move a basket of books. So I'm happy about that part.
Not only do I love the kids, but the staff has been SO great. They have made a point to welcome me, introduce themselves and help me when needed. I don't feel like an outsider as I have in the past in new positions. I like the feeling of being welcomed. I am excited to already be meeting some awesome people-an even some people who,as it turns out, new me as a kid. Crazy!
Now for the problem....In Tennessee, 5th grade is considered Middle School as far as certification goes. In TN, I am only certified Pre-K-4. While I taught in GA, I got a middle school certification added to my existing certification. However, I never got it added to my TN license. And now I am racing the clock to get it added in time for me to officially start on October 26th. I received word Thursday that all of my paperwork had made it to Nashville (that is where TN Teacher Licensing is located) and was just waiting for approval, assuming it is approved. So currently, my fate rests in the hand of a guy named Brandon in Nashville. He is the one who decides if they will add my middle school certification to my TN license. If he says yes, it's all good. But if he says no, I cannot keep this position. I am on pins and needles, waiting to hear the answer. I of course hope he says yes because I am LOVING this position already and do not want to lose it!