Saturday, May 3, 2008

Just an update...

So it is crazy to think about, but our wedding is only 5 weeks away. For a while there, I was really stressed and bogged down with things to do, but thank to some help from my friends and some awesome showers, I am feeling like more things are done and am really getting excited.
Adam has been touring and is very busy with that. He is gone most of the time. At most right now, he his home about 1-2 days a week, sometimes not even that. The guys have been in Nashville for the past 4 weeks recording their newest album that is due out in September (you better go buy it-I want a new pair of shoes! :o) )
I am just busy trying to hang in there these last few days of school. As of Monday, we will only have 18 days left of school-it's just crazy to think about! I will miss my kids, but I am definitely looking forward to the year being over so that I can get married!
Other than that, things are great. This month has been busy, as there is another band member getting married. We have had showers and parties, not to mention birthday celebrations, graduations, and new births within "the posse" as I call them. My wedding will mark the dying down of all the festivities, although there is another band member wedding in September. We roll deep and we do all celebrations for each other. This not only includes the band, but other couples, friend, and family that are somehow connected to a band member. It's a big group of us that always roll together. About 10-15 I'd say. So, needless to say, it's been CRAZY and I think we are all ready for a break! Of coure that won't happen for another 5 weeks....