Most of my days right now are filled with pain and fatigue. This pregnancy has not been a breeze, and some form of ache is my constant companion. Plus, I started back to work this week. It might not be so bad except for two things- One, I am trying to run at the warp speed I have always run at. I am learning that is no longer possible. And two, I am working in a building that is HUGE! This means that anytime I need to go somewhere, it is usually quite a haul to get there. Most days I have been so tired or my back has hurt so much that I feel as if I am running in slow motion. I go to work, come home, and park it on the couch with an ice pack for the duration of the evening.
Ok, so that is enough of my complaining. On to the good stuff. Although this is my first pregnancy and I have nothing to compare it to, Bennett seems to be quite the active boy. He moves a lot! And the sharp kicks have mostly become the squirmy, rolling wiggles. I will say that is one thing I enjoy.
Also, his room is almost finished-I will most pictures when it is completed. It looks great so far and is coming together with the things I have picked up along the way for him. And of course, his drawers are filled with clothes! :o)
Things are going great-minus the achenes. I have a shower coming up soon that I am so excited about! And work is starting which I know will make the time fly by-he will be here before I know it!