One of the things I am most excited about is he has hair! I figured he would and was really hoping he'd have a head of hair when he is born. I am excited that he does! He currently weighs 6 lbs 11 0z. The doctor estimated he might be in the 8 lb range at birth. And we got to see his hiccups. Bennett gets the hiccups at least once a day. It was so much fun to see them instead of just feel them!
As far as when he will be here, obviously he could come at whenever he feels like it. But as for my body- I am not dilating or effacing any. He's not even dropped all the way down yet. She told me that if my body continues in this path, then she will either have to induce me (if I want to deliver on my due date) or I will have to wait past my due date (if I want him to come when he comes). Induction, please! But I am well aware that this could all be pointless, as he could come tomorrow if he wanted...which is why things are packed for the hospital and I am getting as much done as I can.
It was so great to see him on the ultrasound today, I can say that. I have been pretty excited today, thinking about seeing his sweet face. It has been mostly stress for me along the way, I have mentioned that. So I am very happy that today brought feelings of excitement and not fear. I can welcome some excitement in this journey!
Oh, and also it was reconfirmed that he is for sure a boy. :o) Adam was relieved.