My sister, Misty Willhoit has decided to put on a couponing class of her own. She found that she was constantly telling people about the great deals she found,how she did it, etc, that she decided to just hold a small class to give people the basics. She will be giving an overview of how to begin couponing as well as talking in depth about drug stores and how to work those so that you pay very little to nothing for stuff you need.
The class will be on October 10, 2009 from 9 am-11 am. The will be held at the Country Place restaurant on Shallowford Rd. Registration is $20 and includes the following-a notebook (to help you get started organizing) , a copy of the Sunday newspaper, and a copy of the newest All You magazine. If you want to register, feel free to email me at
Hope to see you there!!!!