We were told that we could start experimenting with some foods, just to see how he likes them. We tried bananas. The first bite he ate and swallowed, no problem. The second was a little slower with a little nose crinkle. The third had a bigger nose crinkle. But it was just new to him-he seemed to like them. I am excited to introduce him to the world of food-I think he is going to love all the fun, yummies!
Bennett is doing so awesome! He laughs out loud, he can almost roll over from back to tummy, and he reaches out for stuff like crazy! Anything he can get a hold on goes rapidly to his mouth. And he is almost sleeping through the night. Currently, he sleeps from 8 pm- 7:30 am with one wake up between 12:00-1:00. But it's great because when he wakes up, he takes a bottle and then is right back to sleep. And since Adam gets the late shift, I have not been up with him in close to a week and a half. That means I have gotten a full nights sleep for a week and a half. It's glorious!
He is doing so great and I am loving all this personality he has. Watching him growing up is so much fun! Such a HUUUUUGGGEEE blessing!
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