We decided that maybe he would be better going to bed earlier instead of later. So, we put him to bed at 8:00. We also made sure that we picked a time we could commit to. So, 8:00 is it. We started at 7:00 with the bottle, bath, stories, etc. At 8, we swaddled him up and laid him down. He griped a little, but fell asleep on his own. He woke back up about 9:30, but Adam convinced me to let him be and cry for just a little. He fell back asleep in less than 5 minutes. He slept from 8 until 2...6 hours! At 2, he woke up and we decided to feed him. Adam fed him and laid him back down in his bed awake-and he fell right to sleep on his own without crying at all! He slept until 8 this morning. HOLY COW! 12 hours with only one quick wake up! I am ecstatic!
Even today has been great. He got up this morning very pleasant, ate and played for a while, then when it was time for his nap, I swaddled him and laid him down. He griped a bit, but fell asleep. When he woke up too early, I let him cry for a bit, and he was back out within a few minutes.
I guess this makes me so excited because it gives me confidence. I feel like I am doing to the right thing-and it is working. So much of the time, I feel confused. One book says one things, another says something else. I never know what to do. But now, I feel like I am on the right track! YAY!
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