Doubts, fears, insecurities, anxieties-you name it, I probably had it about motherhood. I was afraid I would not bond with Bennett. I was scared of the hospital. I was nervous about leaving work. I was worried I wouldn't know what to do with a newborn. I was flat out, just scared about everything imaginable.
And then, at 6:22 on September 27th, all of that went away. And since that day, it has been pushed further and further back. I cannot believe that I spent all that time beforehand being so worked up. Things have gone even better than I could have imagined. Bennett is gorgeous and perfect. And mommyhood is something I am enjoying WAY better than I thought I would. I just look at him everyday and I think about how great things are. He is so sweet and I just love wrapping him up in my arms and snuggling him tight to me. I love to make him stop crying and listening to his little squeaky noises.
My labor was rough-long day, no sleep, lots of pain. But I would do it again in an INSTANT for this little guy. He is now my world and I cherish him more than I knew I could.

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