The doctor finally made it back in and chatted for a moment. Then....I got to hear the heartbeat. I know everyone says how amazing and life-changing it is to hear the heartbeat, but honestly it wasn't that for me. It didn't sound like a heartbeat. It was fast and muffled. However, I did keep hearing this "whooshing" sounds. A lot of them. My doctor told me that was the sound of the baby moving. I will admit-THAT was pretty cool! Although, maybe a little scary since it was very active. The doctor said everything sounded "perfect," which is just what I like to hear. A successful doctor's appointment.
And in super exciting news, we booked our next appointment. This is so exciting because we will get to find out what gender it is. Now, since I got pregnant, I have had this overwhelming feeling it is a boy. My mom's had that feeling too. I have thought, though, that maybe it is just hope because I really want a boy! Either way, I have felt all along that it is a boy. But so far I have had 2 dreams where it is a girl. And the old wives tale about the heart rate and gender told me that it was a girl. Oh no! What will I do with a girl?! Anyway, May 5th will be our day to find out! I am so excited I may not be able to sleep until then!
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