Sunday, September 20, 2009


How does anyone figure out where they are supposed to be? So many times I feel like I should be teaching. At other times, I feel like I should try and figure out this marketing position I am.
I miss teaching-I feel that it allows me to tap into certain things I like. I get to be creative, help kids learn. It has crayons and construction paper and glue! I love the stickers the counting bears, and the colorful rulers. But, I don't have as much freedom. I am there from 7-5 and don't ever leave. If I need to be off, it takes an act of Congress.
This job gives me freedom to come and go. I live just 15 minutes away. I am learning some new stuff. I don't feel emotionally drained when I come home every day. I don't feel like I go a billion miles an hour every day.
I don't know why I feel the need to have it figured out right now. I chastise myself constantly for being so wound up about it. I need to figure out how to just slow down and take things one day at a time.
Here is my thing- I want to go back to teaching. But what if I get back there and I feel stuck again, wishing I had stayed in the job that gives me freedom? How do you figure out where the line is between trying to deal with the things you just don't like about a job and realizing it's not for you?

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