Monday, January 10, 2011

Parenting is Hard

These are the times that parenting is the hardest. I am tired, I don't feel well, and all I want to do is take a bath and go to bed. But I can't. I have a little boy to feed, bathe, and put to bed before I can do all of that for myself. I feel bad because I know I am supposed to be more happy about taking care of Bennett than myself-and 99.9% of the time, I am. But there is that small little bit when I would rather be worrying about myself. Does that sounds terrible? I am just so sleepy and am kind of missing those days where I did what I want, when I wanted, all the time.

Bennett has been great today-sweet as ever. But today is just one of those days, I guess.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

you know what that's not bad...but that's why God gave us awesome, supportive husbands who are there for us when we need the extra help and support! :) You are a great mommy! And I know you give Bennett exactly what he needs! :) Keep up the good work!