Saturday, May 15, 2010

20 Weeks= 5 Months=Halfway

Well, I am 20 weeks and am now officially at the halfway point. I'd like to say that I have finally made it to the point of feeling like a mom and that I am ready for this new stage of life. But that would be a lie. Though I have thoroughly enjoyed shopping and buying all types of things for Bennett (clothing, furniture, books, etc, etc, etc), it hasn't completely hit me yet. It kind of feels like it is happening to someone else, though judging by the belly, I am almost positive it really is happening to me.

I have learned that the journey into motherhood is just that: a journey. I have learned it doesn't come all at once, the feeling of being "ready to be a parent". I have learned that being pregnant doesn't automatically put me into mother mode. And I have learned, most importantly, that that is ok. I have accepted that it's a journey, not an "everything, right this instant" situation, and take one day as it comes (most of the time). I know that I will not always feel apprehensive about being a mom. I know that when the time is right, I will step into that role naturally and with grace.

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